Saturday, January 23, 2021

RonnieAdventure #0448 - Historic Stuart Ranch, Meadow Valley, Clark County, Nevada

Several years ago I had the opportunity to tour the historic Stuart Ranch with an archeologist that had been studying cultural resources in the area. At the time Stuart Ranch was under private ownership but it has since been acquired by the Federal Government to protect sensitive resources found on the property. 

There are a variety of historic structures, petroglyph panels, plants, animals, fish, and birds on the Ranch, including the Federally-listed endangered Southwestern Willow Flycatcher and two state-listed sensitive fish species (Meadow Valley Wash Desert Sucker and Meadow Valley Wash Speckled Dance). Some of the petroglyph panels are more recent than others because they depict people with cowboy hats mounted on horses and horses pulling wagons. There are also a number of Indian grinding holes in the same general area that still contain the pestles used for grinding seeds and plants

After pioneers settled in Meadow Valley the ranch was used for raising cattle and later for mining. Parts of the old ranch structures are still standing and various signs of mining activity were scattered around the site when we visited the property. Prior to the Federal Government purchasing the Ranch, all of the debris left from mining activities were removed. 

There are no developed facilities at the Ranch or in the nearby area. 


Since the COVID-19 Pandemic we have been trying to save gas when we go shopping!

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