Friday, January 8, 2021

RonnieAdventure #0446 - Fire House Hill Hike, Calico Basin, Clark County, Nevada

Fire House Hill gets its name from the Red Rock Fire Station that is located nearby. The loop trail starts on the north side of the fire station, goes up to the top of Fire House Hill, then come down to the south side of the hill and joins several other trails. From the junction, it is about a half-mile hike back to the parking lot. Because this is a fairly easy 3.3 mike hike, the trail is popular with families that have small children.  

Along the trail there are various types of cacti and other desert plants; unfortunately, none of the plants were in bloom at this time of year. 

From top of the hill there are nice views of Red Rock NCA and Calico Basin. Las Vegas is also visible to the east. The rocks on top of the hill are covered with fossilized seaweed and there is a large colony of barrel cacti on the south side of the hill that we walked past on the way down.


Kolohe has been into panoramic pictures lately!

I know that during the COVID pandemic many people are working from home, but this guy went one step farther - working from outdoors! There was no car anywhere in sight. He was just sitting on a camping chair out in the middle of nowhere working on his computer.

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