Friday, October 7, 2022

RonnieAdventure #0537 - Bellagio Conservatory 2022 Fall Arrangement, Las Vegas, NV

Picture by Kolohe

The Fall 2022 Bellagio Conservatory arrangement "Artfully Autumn" was inspired by world-renowned artists and architects, including Christo and Jeanne Claude, Louts Comfort Tiffany, and Frank Lloyd Wright. 

"Artfully Autumn" features 600.000 tree leaves, 32,000 carnations, 22,000 plants, 357 pumpkins, four large bountiful cornucopia sculptures made of gilded metal, and a 3,000 pound autumnal waterfall tower with simulated stained-glass leaves. The largest of the seven giant pumpkins weighs 1,026 pounds. To create a catch-basin large enough for all of the water features required removing a portion of the Conservatory subfloor, a first in the Conservatory's 24-year history.

A placard states: "Flying gracefully overhead is a pure-hearted fairy grasping a golden challis, a cup that continuously runneth over with a replenishing supply of recycled and reused water. Legend has it, she presides here as a goddess of good fortune from nature's fairy realm."

The eight fire-polished copper arches were inspired by Christo and Jeanne Claude's public art installation "The Gates" in New York City. 

Picture by Kolohe

Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe

Located in the north bed is a placard that states" Sculpted metallic bonsai trees fashioned with a golden copper finish reflect a couture approach to the ancient meditative practice of shaping nature into living works of art, which is said to bring harmony and good luck."

Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe

A placard at the west bed states "Our larger-than-life water sculpture is a reinterpreted homage to the famed Rain Vortex at Jewel Changi Airport in Singapore, the world's tallest indoor waterfall. Serendipitously, the Jewel Rain Vortex was developed by the same engineering firm, Wet, that created the iconic Fountains of Bellagio."

Picture by Kolohe

Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe

Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe

Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe

Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe

The south bed structure was inspired by Frank Lloyd Wright's 1935 architectural masterpiece "Falling Water."

Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe

Picture by Kolohe

Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture b Kolohe
Flying overhead are various insects and falling tree leaves.

Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
A number of different and unusual pumpkins are included in the arrangement, with the largest pumpkin weighing 1,026 pounds (That is a lot of pumpkin pies!).

Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
The fall arrangement contains 31 different plant species, which includes a number of different flower groups.

Picture by Kolohe

Picture by Kolohe

Picture by Kolohe

Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe

Most people spend time in the Conservatory, but the hotel lobby also has a number of beautiful displays. 

Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe

Picture by Kolohe


Picture by Kolohe
Photographer Unknown

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