Friday, December 7, 2018

RonnieAdventure #0337 - Salt Lake City, Utah (December 2018)

When I found that we could fly to Salt Lake City for $24, this seemed like a great way to celebrate my 75th Birthday -- our plane arrived late Friday night and Heather informed us that she had a big day planned for us on Saturday.

We started out Saturday morning by attending a large gathering for my birthday breakfast. Over 100 people showed up - and I did not even know any of them! After having pancakes, egg casserole, and some treats, we sang Christmas songs and then went back home while we left Brent to do clean-up duty. (He also helped cook the breakfast.)

After Brent arrived home, he gave us a tour of the new house that they are building in the same general neighborhood where they currently live. Assuming that the house is completed, they are planning to move in sometime in February. They have already sold the house that they are living in and are now just renting it back from the new buyers.

In the afternoon Heather arranged for us to meet Ben Beunin, a local artist/potter/writer, and tour his home and studio. Ben is becoming a well know potter and various gift shops are now selling his works of art. I always enjoy visiting with artist because they are so creative and I have really limited artistic abilities. I always hope that some of their creativity abilities will rub off no me!

There are lots of lawn-art pieces in front of Ben's house, along with large pottery pieces on both side of the entrance steps. A tile bench is located on the front porch and even his mailbox is decorated with tiles that he created.  

The interior walls of the house contain significant tile-work that Ben created.

And the bathrooms are so unique that you forget why you even went in the bathroom! 

If you stopped to admire all of the artwork on the stairwells, it would take an hour to just get upstairs or down to the lower level!

One room upstairs I like to call the "Tea Room" because of the extensive collection of tea pots -- and I did not even photograph all of the tea pots!

Throughout the house there are numerous creative art pieces with many hearts within a heart.

Ben has converted his detached two-story garage into a work-studio with the second floor used as a display area. There is also an outdoor area that contains extensive uses of tiles and can be used as a work area during the warmer months of the year.

The second floor of the studio contains a large collection of his pottery. I even learned what to do with my wife's old shoes -- make shoe-people!

On the way home we stopped by Schmidt's Pastry Cottage for some birthday treats, which destroyed my diet. They also had a sign hanging in the shop that I really liked.

Then, in the evening we attended a production of Cinderella at Skyridge High School, in which Carter had several parts. 

By the time we arrived home, I felt like I was 75 years old!

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