Friday, October 12, 2018

RonnieAdventure #0329 - Utah and California, 2018

Fall season is a great time to attend a production at Tuacahn Amphitheater in St. George, Utah. I had never seen the musical Matilda; and, unlike most people, had not even seen the movie, So, we made arrangements to spent the weekend at a rental house that Brent & Heather have in the area. 

Then, last weekend we traveled to California to watch Ashley play in a basketball tournament. The first games were at Leuzinger High School, which was the location and staging areas for some of  the 1932 Los Angeles Olympic games. The school's nickname became the "Olympians" because the school was granted authorization to use the Olympic name and Olympic rings trademark for their school functions. Some of the facilities constructed at the high school for the Olympic games included a shooting range, bowling alley, and the basketball gym. 

The next day the games were held at the Map Center in Garden Grove and Ashley's team won all of their games!

And, before leaving town, we had to stop by the ocean and get our feet wet!

I just hate the drive back to Las Vegas on Sunday night; but, fortunately, it is a counter commute with the bulk of the traffic going back to Las Angeles.

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