Friday, December 22, 2017

RonnieAdventure #0287 - Long Beach (California) 2017

Quite often when we are in the Long Beach area we go down to the Belmont Veterans Memorial Pier to watch the sun set over the ocean. Unfortunately, the La Palapa Restaurant that was located near the entrance to the pier has been demolished, along with some other buildings; so that the site can be used for a new retail complex.  The restaurant wasn't much to look at, but the food was really great. Hopefully they will find room in the new retail center for the La Palapa! 

When I walked out to the end of the pier, I was surprised at how many people were catching bucket-fulls of Mackerel. Apparently it was the time of year when the fish were running, and all of the kids were having a great time pulling in the fish. (Their parents may not be real thrilled when they have to clean all of the fish.)

While in California we were able to attend one of Ashley's basketball games and cheer on our star player! 

However, the other team kept complaining because they said that Ashley had an unfair advantage --  she can walk on air! 

We did not get to see the below-listed game, but I found two pictures of Ashley on the Gazettes Sports web site (name of photographer unknown).

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