Friday, August 5, 2016

RonnieAdventure #0215 - Southwest British Columbia Part II

Nairn Falls are located north of Whistler and make a great hike - even in the rain!

Since we were traveling north, we decided to follow a small dirt road (Hurley Pass Road) and continue on to the town of Gold Bridge.(When we arrived in Gold Bridge we discovered how the town got its name - it is located at the end of the rainbow!)

We discovered that Gold Bridge (population 40) had a gas station, store and restaurant, so we decided to stop for lunch. When we walked into the restaurant everyone looked at us like "what are you doing here," and the young waitress informed us that they don't get a lot of tourist in Gold Bridge. 

After we ordered hamburgers, Kolohe asked the waitress not to put gravy on her French fries. The waitress had a puzzled look on her face and asked Kolohe how she could eat french fries without gravy. Kolohe responded that she was going to put ketchup on her French fries. The waitress looked shocked and said that she had never seen anyone eat French fries with ketchup before and wanted to know if Kolohe had some type of eating disorder. Kolohe explained that lots of people in the US put ketchup on their French fries, but I don't think the waitress believed her.  

This time of year they have long days and short nights in Canada, so we decided to follow a small dirt road over Mission Pass that goes through D'Arch and then connects with a paved road back to Whistler. We even stopped by the Darcy Depot in D'Arch!

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