Friday, August 24, 2012

RonnieAdventure #0017 - Grandchildren Visit, Las Vegas, Nevada

What’s a fun place to go in the summer, even if it is 115° F?  According to the Grandkids -- LAS VEGAS!!! The grandkids are certain that Grandpa, Grandma, and "T" are high-rollers because they live in Las Vegas, so on school breaks they like to come for a visit and bring their list of “Things to Do” with them. Fortunately, "T" likes to spoil her nieces and nephews, plus she has more energy than Grandpa and Grandma, so they often get to go a lot of places and do a lot of things while they are in Las Vegas. "T" also has every toy and game imaginable at her house, plus a giant TV under the back patio that you can watch from the swimming pool, so there is no question as to where the grandkids want to stay when they are in town!

Grandpa and Grandma - As Envisioned by the Grandchildren
(Photo Courtesy of "T")
Only two of the grandkids made the trip this time (not by choice of the Grandkids), but "T" still worked her tour-guide magic by starting with a visit to the world famous Las Vegas Welcome sign, moving on to a craft center where they painted their own pottery (The pottery was fired during the week, so they were able to take the finished artwork home with them.), a stop by the Bellagio Conservatory to look at the latest flower displays (The displays change 5-6 times a year.), and a visit to Fremont Street to ride the Zip Line (Starts from a platform 5-stories in the air, and then descends under the Fremont Street canopy before stopping.), watch the local spray paint artist make furturistic paintings, and view the largest gold nugget in the world on public display at the Gold Nugget (875 Troy ounces, or just under 62 pounds), and then ended up in "T’s" swimming pool to cool off. And that was just the first day!  Wow! I’m tired just reading this!

Welcome to Las Vegas
(Photo Courtesy of "T")
Artistic Hand-Crafted Pottery
(Photo Courtesy of "T")
Bellagio Conservatory Summer Display
(Photo Courtesy of "T")
Getting Ready to Ride the Zip Line at Fremont Street
Zip Line Starts 5-Stories Above the Street 
(Photo Courtesy of "T")
Down Toward the Fremont Street Canopy
Under the Canopy
(Photo Courtesy of "T")
Made It!
(Photo Courtesy of "T")
Spray-Can Street Artist
World's Largest Gold Nugget on Public Display
(Photo Courtesy of "T")
What a Way to end the Day!

Over the next few days there was indoor Go-Cart racing, the movies, Pump-It-Up Fun Center (giant slides, air hockey, and bounce-houses), shopping for school items, bowling, a trip to see Mac King “King of the Afternoon” comedy magic show (now everyone is learning magic tricks), some mean games of Uno Attack, and swimming in "T’s" pool every evening. Between activities Grandma acted as a gourmet chef and cooked just about anything ordered (which included a lot of deserts and mashed potatoes and gravy), and everyone also managed to make it out for pizza, Café Rio, Krispy Kreme doughnuts, and, of course, the buffets. The bad thing about the buffets is that there were too many choices of thing to try, so the desert line won out (Since their parents are probably reading this, I should clarify that they also had some wholesome, nutritious food.) However, by the time the Grandkids were on the second or third ice cream cone, it became popular to make faces in the ice cream before devouring it.

Young Race Car Divers 
Pump-It-Up Fun Center
(Photo Courtesy of "T")
What do you mean that you got a Strike? 
Mac King Magic Show
(Photo Courtesy of "T") 
"This looks too healthy - let's go look at the deserts." 
"I say we try one of each"
"Who does this look like?"
"I think my face is melting!"

After the two Grandkids went home, Grandpa, Grandma, and "T" had a long, long well-deserved nap!


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