Saturday, August 18, 2012

RonnieAdventure #0016 - Pima Air & Space Museum, Tucson, Arizona

You know that it is hot and humid when you still feel thirsty after drinking two quarts of water and it is only 11:30 in the morning. As I sat on a rock with sweat dripping from my forehead into my eyes, causing a burning sensation, my shirt was so wet that it stuck to my back, and the bottoms of my feet felt like I had been walking on hot coals, I started thinking that something was wrong with this picture because this was the third time that I had been to Tucson this summer. Then, I had a flashback to last winter in Denver when I was fighting a blizzard and suffering from frost bite -- it occurred to me that maybe I had my travel schedule all mixed up. I needed to go to Denver in the summer so that I wouldn’t suffer from frost bite and then go to Tucson in the winter months so that I wouldn’t suffer from heat stroke. Oh well, too late for that now; so I had might as well have a RonnieAdventure.

The Pima Air and Space Museum is close to the airport and one of the many items on my bucket list, so this seemed like the ideal time for a quick visit. Unfortunately, with over 300 aircraft spread-out over about 80 acres of land, in two hours it is not possible to do more than a quick walk-though, and that does not include a tour of the “boneyard.” This will obviously be a repeat visit in one of the cooler months!

Entrance to Pima Air and Space Museum

SR-71A Blackbird

 A-10A Warthog

Bumble Bee

 B-17G Flying Fortress

B-24J Liberator

 L-049 Constellation

B-377SG Super Guppy

B-36J Peacemaker

B-58E Hustler

MIG-17F Fresco C

Various Fighter Planes

OV-1C Mohawk

Various Helicopters

VH-1 Buzz Bomb

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