Friday, August 11, 2023

RonnieAdventure #0580 -Paris, France, 2023 Part I

After a red-eye flight from Cairo, we arrived at the Paris-Charles de Gaulle Airport at about 6 AM. Fortunately, we found a hotel room at the airport. After a three-hour nap we went into the city and started our Paris tour at the Eiffel Tower. The lines were very-very long, so after taking a few pictures we decided to save a trip to the top of the Tower for another day.   

Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe

The Sainte-Chapelle was built in 1248 and is considered to be one of the greatest architectural masterpieces of the Western World. Entrance is through the lower chapel that was for servants and commoners. At the front of the chapel is a statue of the Virgin Mary. A circular stairway leads to the Upper Chapel that was for the King and the royal family. 

Picture by Kolohe

The upper chapel contains 1,113 scenes depicted in 15-stained-glass windows, which tell the story of mankind from Genesis through Christ's resurrection. The stained-glass windows are about 50 feet tall and extend all the way to a vaulted dark blue star-covered ceiling. Statues of the twelve apostles line the walls and Peter is holding keys to the heavens. The circular Rose Window at the back of the chapel contains 86 stained-glass panels. 

Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe

Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe

Picture by Kolohe

Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
The Sainte-Chapelle is now part of the Palace of Justice, but when it was constructed it was the king's residence and seat of royal power. 

Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
We only rode the subway one time. It was faster and cheaper to get around, but because it is underground we missed all of the flowers, buildings, statues, and people. We found that it was more enjoyable to have a guided tour of the city in a golf cart. Since I have forgotten almost everything our guide told us, I will just include the pictures without a lot of narrative.

Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe

Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe

Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe

Picture by Kolohe

"Love Lock" Bridge.

Picture by Kolohe

Obelisk from Luxor Temple in Egypt.

Picture by Kolohe

Picture by Kolohe

Picture by Kolohe

Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe

Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe

Notre-Dame is being rebuilt after the devastating fire of April 15, 2019. 

Picture by Kolohe

Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe

Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe

From the roof of a department store there are nice views of Paris with the Eiffel Tower in the background. After taking a few pictures, we went down to the stores and when I went into the restroom I left my camera on a shelf. After walking around the store, I remembered my camera (with all of my trip pictures) and ran back to the restroom. Fortunately, someone had found the camera and given it to a custodian that was cleaning the restroom. 

Picture by Kolohe

Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe

On the way back to the hotel, we drove by Arc de Triomphe and I convinced the driver to stop in one of the lanes of traffic so I could take a picture. 

Picture by Kolohe

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