Friday, June 2, 2023

RonnieAdventure #0570 - Egypt 2023 Part IV

Picture by Heather
As we were traveling to the riverboat in our van, a family passed us riding a motorcycle. Americans could save gas using this type of travel, but the National Highway and Safety Administration probably would not approve it because they were not wearing seat belts or helmets. 

Our riverboat was docked on the east bank of the Nile River between Aswan and Elephant Island. When entering the boat, we dipped our hands in the water so that we could say we had touched the Nile River. From the boat's upper deck we had great views of  the city and the river. 

Toward evening a number of passengers on the riverboat went sailing on the Nile, but they ended up paddling most of the time because there was very little wind. We were smarter and had a water taxi take us around the area. 

Our evening trip on the water taxi started by going downstream past Elephant Island and then turned back upstream so that we could be near the west bank of the Nile. 

The Mausoleum of Aga Khan is located on a hill overlooking the river. When Aga Khan III Mohammed Shah, spiritual head of the Ismailian Muslins, died in 1957, he was buried in the mausoleum when it was completed two years later. His wife still lives in the house below the mausoleum. Since it was a long, strenuous hike up to the mausoleum, we just enjoyed the view from the river. 

Picture by Kolohe
A short distance away is Qubett el Hawa (Top of the Winds) Hill with a small temple at its summit. About half way between the temple and the river is a rock ledge containing 40 tombs that make up the Necropolis of the Princes of Elephantine. Entrance to the tombs was by a steep ramp from the river, so once again we elected to just enjoy the view from our water taxi. 

Picture by Heather
I do not remember the significance of this building, but it was quite picturesque. Maybe it was just someone's house.

Aswan Botanical Garden is located on El Nabatal (Kitchener) Island, which is in the middle of the Nile River just north of Elephant Island. Lord Kitchener was an English general who was gifted the island when he served as Consul-General in Egypt in 1911. His passion was collecting exotic flowers and plants, so he transformed the island into a botanical garden. The island was later gifted back to the Egyptian Government to be used as botanical research station.  

In several places along the Nile's west bank, sand dunes come all of the way down to the river. "Rocky" told us that he climbed the dunes once and it was a lot harder and farther than it looks. 

There are various Nubian houses and villages on the many islands and along the west side of the Nile River. One house was even made from various locally grown grasses and plants. We ended up following some side channels in the river that were quite interesting and at one place a young Nubian came out on his surfboard to greet us. 

Picture by Kolohe

Picture by Heather
Picture by Heather
Late in the afternoon we stopped at a Nubian village and got off of the boat to do some shopping. Fortunately, "Rocky" helped with translating while we bargained for souvenirs. As the sun was setting, they started bringing camels back into town. The narrow streets were shared with pedestrians, camels, motorcycles, and even some cars.

Picture by Kolohe

Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Heather
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Heather
Picture by Kolohe

Picture by Kolohe

Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
We were invited into one house where "Rocky" knew the family and they served us snacks and drinks. They also had pet crocodiles that they let us hold. Sophia was happy to pose for a picture when I held the croc, but she was a little reluctant to hold it herself. She did not like the feeling, however, with a little coaching she decided it was not too bad. Even though she kissed the Sphinx, she would not kiss the crocodile. 

Heather said that after all of the RonnieAdventures she had been on in her life, it did not bother her to hold the crocodile. 

Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Heather
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe
It was dark by the time we arrived back at the water taxi and had to leave for out riverboat in Aswan. On the way back, we relaxed on some carpets that were on the roof of the water taxi and enjoyed the cool night air.  

Picture by Kolohe
Picture by Kolohe

Picture by Kolohe

When we arrived back in Aswan, "Rocky" wanted to take us to a place in the market that specialized in natural herbs. Once in the small, cramped shop, we all sat in a circle while the salesman placed small amounts of each herb in our hand. I wanted to be polite; so I tasted each one. They were terrible tasting! Finally, someone asked what I was doing. I was then informed that we were supposed to smell each herb, not taste them! No wonder they tasted so terrible. 

Picture by Kolohe
We arrived back at the riverboat in time to have a late buffet dinner and then take belly dancing lessons.  Of course, I was the only participant from our group. After the belly dancing lessons, a male dancer did some really amazing things with his cape and skirt. He turned around in circles so fast and for so long that I got dizzy just watching him. 

Picture by Kolohe


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