Friday, February 21, 2020

RonnieAdventure #0400 - Ash Springs Hike, Red Rock Canyon NCA, Nevada

Grandson Andrew was staying with us for a few days while he was working at the Market Center and on Saturday afternoon he wanted to go on a short hike. We decide that Ash Springs would be a great place to go because there are a number of trails in the area and we could make a loop by hiking up the north side of the wash and then follow the south side of the wash on our way back to the trailhead. I had never been to Ash Springs and assumed there would be one main spring; but in actuality it turned out that there were a number of different springs throughout the canyon. 

Part way to the springs we happened to look up and noticed a person walking on a tightrope that was strung between two canyon walls. If it had not been so far away (probably about 1/3 of a mile over some really rough terrain) we would have hiked up for a closer look. 


When Uncle Ormel returned home after World War II ended, my Mother had a celebration party for him and invited some friends over to our house. For some reason Marilyn Jensen kept pulled my hair. 

Marilyn had a cousin that was about my age; but, like Marilyn, he had blond hair and blue eyes. I had black hair and brown eyes, so they called us boys "Salt" and "Pepper."

Uncle Ormel was Elden's younger brother and he served in the US Army Air Force during WW II. After the War when we would go goose hunting he would wear his flight suit because it was wool lined and really warm. He did not ever get married and lived in Blunt, South Dakota most of his life after the War. 

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