Friday, May 25, 2018

RonnieAdventure #0309 - Cats, Ashley Basketball, and Tempe-Chandler (AZ)

Before giving the kittens away we attempted to get a family picture, but trying to get five little kittens and a somewhat tame mother cat together was impossible; so we settled for individual pictures and one small group picture.


Ashley was playing basketball in the Cal-AZ Swish Mother's Day Classic tournament in Chandler (Arizona) on her 15th Birthday, so we attended the tournament and helped celebrate her birthday.   

Ashley's team did not win the tournament, but they played some excellent basketball. Fred, Mary, and Darcy also attended the game on Sunday, so it was like a mini-family reunion.

One evening we went out for Mexican food at Sir Vezas - not my style of Mexican food, but the restaurant decor was interesting. If you do not like the way you look in one bathroom mirror, you have the choice of several other mirrors. 

The City of Tempe Municipal Building is in the shape of an upside-down pyramid, but over the years the trees surrounding the building have grown so tall that it is difficult to see the building from the street.

The Grady Gammage Memorial Auditorium at Arizona State University (ASU) was one of the last public commissions of Frank Lloyd Wright. The Auditorium is one of the largest exhibitors of performing arts among university venues in the world. When we lived in Arizona Linda was part of the ASU Coral Union, so we often attended events in the auditorium. 

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