Friday, August 7, 2015

RonnieAdventure #0164 - Fletcher Canyon, Spring Mountains, Clark County, Nevada

Fletcher Canyon is the first hiking trail that you come to on the way to Mount Charleston that is high enough in elevation to be in the pine trees. Elevation at the trailhead is about 6,950 feet, and the elevation at Obstacle Rock is about 7,800 feet. The one-way distance from the trailhead to Obstacle Rock is a little less than two miles, so it is a nice easy trail for families with young children.

It is possible to continue on past Obstacle Rock and connect to the Mount Charleston North Loop Trail, or to Fletcher Peak, but most people just turn around at Obstacle Rock and return by the same trail. 

Summer is not the ideal time to hike this trail because the water typically dries up in June and temperatures can be uncomfortable during the summer months, particularly when the humidity starts to increase. However, in April and May, the canyon looks entirely different, so I have included some pictures from previous Spring hikes. See if you recognize some of the same places!

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