Friday, November 29, 2013

RonnieAdventure #0076 - Lost City Museum, Overton, Clark County, Nevada

As we were driving past the Lost City Museum in Overton (Nevada), we notices a sign indicating that November was Native American Heritage Month and there was a special celebration at the museum featuring Navajo dancers. This seemed like a great unplanned RonnieAdventure, so we decided to stop and watch the dancers perform.

It turned out to be a great stop because the dancers were just starting their performance and other members of their tribe were serving Navajo Tacos. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of standing in line to purchase food while my wife looked at the handcrafted Navajo jewelry, so the stop turned out to be more expensive than I had anticipated. Oh well! The money went for a good cause!

The Anasazi people occupied this area from about A.D. 200 until about A.D. 1800, and then for some unknown reason they abandoned the area. No one knows for certain where the Anasazi people went, but it is believed that they became the Pueblo people of Arizona and New Mexico.

In 1935 the CCC built the current museum building on an Anasazi site that had been excavated and the CCC also reconstructed a pit house and other pueblo dwellings on he site.The museum primarily contains Anasazi artifacts, but there are also spear points and other hunter artifacts dating back almost 11, 500 years. However, little is known about the early hunters, or their culture, that used this area before the Anasazi.

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