Friday, April 13, 2012


Welcome to RonnieAdventures!

As I get older I find that I can’t remember where I’ve been, let alone where I’m going; so my New Year’s resolution for 2012 is to write things down so that I don’t go on the same adventure twice in the same year. It kind of reminds me of a story that my good friend Elmer told me about what happened to him one night when he was watching TV with his wife Martha. He said that he felt hungry and decided to go get something to eat. As he got out of his chair Martha asked him where he was going and he said that he was going to the kitchen to get some ice cream. Martha said that sounded good to her and asked him to bring her a dish of ice cream also. Then, she added, “Don’t forget to write that down. You know how you always forget things.” Elmer said that he didn’t need to write it down because he wouldn’t forget. Elmer hadn’t taken more than a few steps when Martha said, “And add some chocolate syrup to mine. Now write that down because you know how you always forget things.” Elmer responded that he didn’t need to write it down because he wouldn’t forget. Just as Elmer reached the kitchen door, Martha shouted that she also wanted whip cream and nuts on her ice cream. Then, she added again, “Now write that down – you know how you always forget things.” Elmer disgustingly responded that he didn’t need to write it down because he wouldn’t forget that she wanted ice cream with chocolate syrup, whip cream and nuts. About 25 minutes later Elmer reappeared from the kitchen carrying two plates full of bacon and eggs and gave one plate to Martha. Martha looked puzzled and asked Elmer “What is this?” Elmer responded, “It’s the bacon and eggs that you wanted!” Martha glared at Elmer and said, “You idiot! I told you to write it down! I knew that you would forget the toast.”

To help make the journey into the 21st century (I know, I’m only 11 years late) I decided to get rid of my dos based computer equipment and take advantage of all the new equipment currently on the market, which includes this new computer that I’m trying to figure out how to use, along with all of my other high-tech equipment – digital camera, GPS, iPad, smart phone, etc. (I must have really been good in 2011 because Santa was really good to me. I just hope that he pays for everything.) Now, my next step is to educate myself on how to use all of the equipment and then start “blogging.” I hope that you come along for some RonnieAdventures!

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